The company is ISO 27001certified
Data, personal information, photographs and further information within the employees cellphones are completely safe.
All data within the employees’ cellphones not used by the JOBka application are not available for the JOBka company.
Non of the data are used for advertisement, commercial or other purposes without user consent.
We are a company certified in accordance with the internationally valid ISO 27001 standard (information security). We comply with strict requirements on data security. Data of our clients and their employees are managed in accordance with relevant regulations.
As ISO 27001 certified, we declare that:
JOBka certification can be downloaded here:
Certification PDF in English
Certification PDF in German
Certification PDF in Czech

Company certification according to ISO 14001
Our activities do not have an impact on the environment.
Our employees are familiar with the environmental policy of the environment
We monitor emerging and valid legal requirements related to the environment. Then we include them in our company processes.
We are a company certified in accordance with the internationally valid ISO 14001 standard (reducing the negative impact of our activities on the environment). Our goal is to improve the environment.
As ISO 14001 certified, we declare that:
JOBka certification can be downloaded here:
Certification PDF in English
Certification PDF in German
Certification PDF in Czech
Company certification according to ISO 9001
We provide our services and products to customers in the highest possible quality.
• The satisfaction of the customer and the fulfillment of his requirements and expectations within the specified deadlines.
• We analyze risks, opportunities and continuous improvement to reduce the number of complaints and damage to our services.
We are a certified company according to the internationally valid ISO 9001 standard (guarantee of quality services). The established quality management system guarantees trustworthy relations with our customers and suppliers.
Thanks to the ISO 9001 certification, we declare that:
JOBka certification can be downloaded here:
Certification PDF in English
Certification PDF in German
Certification PDF in Czech

® Trade Mark Protection Office (EUIPO) JOBKA within the European Union
We are the original creators of JOBKA and holders of the JOBKA trademark rights.
EUIPO® Certification in PDF can be downloaded here.
JOBka data centre certification
JOBka uses Microsoft Azure that stores data in secured data centres in 26 world regions, including EU countries. The Azure data centres meet all requirements on the personal data protection and international ISO 27018 standard. More information about AZURE data centre can be found here. MS Azure data centres in which JOBka runs are regularly audited by SOC2 system.
The JOBka data centre certification can be downloaded ere:
Certification PDF in English

Meeting the GDPR standards
Our company meets all standards of the European information directive on personal data protection - EU GDPR.
More you can find here.